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Many of my materials include the information and knowledge necessary for a cognitive grasp of Generative Leadership. Yet more importantly, what I offer you, is a potentially radically transformative vision of your purpose on the planet and your role in the cosmos. This takes intention, attention, commitment and creativity. Because I carry codes of integrity, wholeness, goodness, truth and beauty and transmit these in everything I do. I help you access a sense of the deeper potential of a world that works for all. I can truly guide you, as I have been tested and forged in the fires, trials and tribulations of a fully lived life, while staying true to my deeper purpose, in my work, my relationships, while on retreat, or while living in a spiritual community.

My story a
summary so far

Previously I experienced a nearly thirty year career in the United Kingdom, carrying out non-profit work, largely with excluded children and young adults. This ranged from front facing service delivery, to project management and quality improvement to innovation and workforce development. Achievements included whole service restructuring and redevelopment, multiple million pound project delivery, pioneering a social work education unit, organising national and international conferences. For a global education charity I ran an international speaker series, including a first introduction of Cradle to Cradle to the UK with Michael Braungart in 2005. I also enjoyed, in parallel, years of personal and spiritual development, which I hardly ever explicitly brought into my work.

Towards the end of this phase, in mid 2016, with my now wife who is Dutch, we commuted between London and Amsterdam, then after three years taking a big risk, moving to settle in the Netherlands. Ever since I moved, I have focused on  realising  a long held dream, to integrate my spiritual depth and wisdom with my professional knowledge, in order to develop a commercial enterprise. These capacities and experiences form the pillars of my leadership development business ‘Generative You’.

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............Let us embark upon a never ending search for knowledge and information that contradicts, disrupts and shines light on our ignorance. In this compelling journey towards light means we will-always-ever be in a process of development. Let us endeavour to cultivate these multidimensional capacities in our waking life towards a thriving world

These are the capacities that I find currently most energising;


As an expert in inner development I have traversed far flung inner and outer landscapes where most others would not have not travelled. While being fully active in the field, I have risked more, experienced oceans of loss and grief, and let go of significantly more, than the majority would experience in lifetimes. I have walked the walk, talked the talk and walked the talk. I live and breathe to express the energy of what is possible. I endeavour to act from the emerging future to enable potential paradigmatic/civilisational shifts. I endeavour to live up as closely as possible to my word, always ever attempting to align my words with my deeds, and vice versa. I carry personal authority as an expert in my own experience. I relate at a soul depth. I endeavour to transmit the universal cosmic archetypal and endeavour to breathe new myths into being.

As a host as a guide, as a facilitator a mentor, trainer and group coach;
Principles of my work include:

Typical problems I can help with
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